%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import safe
import torch
import datamol as dm
import types
from molfeat.trans.pretrained import PretrainedMolTransformer
from molfeat.trans.pretrained import PretrainedHFTransformer
from molfeat.trans.pretrained.hf_transformers import HFModel
from safe.trainer.model import SAFEDoubleHeadsModel
from safe.tokenizer import SAFETokenizer
Loading the SAFE-GPT model into molfeat¶
Because the SAFE model is not a standard HuggingFace transformers
model, we need to wrap it.
Why are we doing this ? Because we want to leverage the structure of molfeat
and not have to write our own pooling for the model. This can be done by using the huggingface molecule transformer PretrainedHFTransformer
rather than the general purpose pretrained model class PretrainedMolTransformer
where we will have to define our own _embed
and _convert
safe_model = SAFEDoubleHeadsModel.from_pretrained("datamol-io/safe-gpt")
safe_tokenizer = SAFETokenizer.from_pretrained("datamol-io/safe-gpt")
We now need to build the molfeat
's HFModel
instance by wrapping our model.
safe_hf_model = HFModel.from_pretrained(safe_model, safe_tokenizer.get_pretrained())
You can put the above process in the __init__
of the SAFEMolTransformer
if you wish as we will be doing below.
Building the SAFE Molecule Transformers¶
We have multiple options here, we can override the _convert
method or even the _embed
method but the best thing about molfeat
is how flexible it is and all the shortcuts it provides.
In this case, we just need to change the custom
so really we just need our custom converter¶
class SAFEMolTransformer(PretrainedHFTransformer):
"""Build the SAFE Molecule transformers, the only thing we need to define is
how we convert the input molecules into the safe format"""
def __init__(self, kind=None, notation="safe", **kwargs):
if kind is None:
# we load the default SAFE model if the exact SAFE GPT model
# to use is not provided
safe_model = SAFEDoubleHeadsModel.from_pretrained("datamol-io/safe-gpt")
safe_tokenizer = SAFETokenizer.from_pretrained("datamol-io/safe-gpt")
kind = HFModel.from_pretrained(safe_model, safe_tokenizer.get_pretrained())
super().__init__(kind, notation=None, **kwargs)
# now we change the internal converter
# overriding the internal converter of SmilesConverter leverages the exception handling
# The SAFE-GPT model was trained on a slightly different splitting algorithm compared to the default BRICS
# this does not change anything in theory, it just try harder to break bonds even if there are no BRICS bonds.
self.converter.converter = types.SimpleNamespace(decode=safe.decode, encode=safe.utils.convert_to_safe)
# you could also do any of the following:
# self.converter = types.SimpleNamespace(decode=safe.decode, encode=safe.encode)
# self.converter = safe # the safe module
2023-12-20 22:57:39.310 | WARNING | molfeat.trans.base:__init__:51 - The 'SAFEMolTransformer' interaction has been superseded by a new class with id 0x2ad77d6a0
Let's use the GPT pooler which uses the last non padding token (often eos
) since the model is GPT2 like. For other options, see: https://molfeat-docs.datamol.io/stable/api/molfeat.utils.html#pooling
# Let's use the GPT pooling method and only take the last hidden layer
safe_transformers = SAFEMolTransformer(pooling="gpt", concat_layers=[-1])
SAFEMolTransformer(dtype=np.float32)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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mols = dm.data.freesolv().iloc[:10].smiles.values
array([[ 0.05216356, 0.10754181, 0.07509107, ..., 0.04756968, -0.08228929, -0.11568106], [ 0.02449008, 0.04048932, 0.14489463, ..., 0.11410899, -0.02203353, 0.08706839], [-0.07425696, 0.11859665, 0.19010407, ..., 0.10526019, 0.08878426, -0.06609854], ..., [ 0.07867863, 0.19300285, 0.23054805, ..., -0.00737952, 0.07542405, 0.00289541], [ 0.12092628, -0.01785688, 0.19791883, ..., 0.13796932, 0.11520796, -0.15333697], [-0.02005584, 0.13946685, 0.18568742, ..., 0.07080407, 0.06991849, -0.07151204]], dtype=float32)
Basic Test¶
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
df = dm.data.freesolv()
df["safe"] = df["smiles"].apply(safe_transformers.converter.encode)
df = df.dropna(subset="safe")
# we have to remove the molecules that cannot be converted
# (no breakable bonds with our default methodology)
X, y = df["smiles"].values, df["expt"].values
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=25, test_size=0.2)
# The Molfeat transformer seemingly integrates with Scikit-learn Pipeline!
pipe = Pipeline([("feat", safe_transformers), ("rf", RandomForestRegressor())])
with dm.without_rdkit_log():
pipe.fit(X_train, y_train)
score = pipe.score(X_test, y_test)
y_pred = pipe.predict(X_test)
print("R2 score:", score)
R2 score: 0.4971483821661925
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(y_test, y_pred)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Preds')
Not really a great result. Any other model in molfeat
would do better.
- Make sure that your inputs are SMILES or RDKit Molecules.
- If you are getting an error coming from some tokenization step, that means that you are likely getting
molecules at some steps in the conversion to SAFE. This can happen if there your slicing algorithm of choice is not working. In that case, please filter your datasets to remove molecules that fails the encoding steps first. You can always use the very robussafe.utils.convert_to_safe
, which augment default BRICS slicing with some graph partitioning algorithm.